Hawk Happenings - November 2018

November 1, 2018

Dear Hawk Families,

I hope my November newsletter finds each student and family enjoying and having a successful school year!

From a school calendar perspective November begins a time when many disruptions enter into a normal school week. These are not bad things by any means as we have the opportunity to spend time with our families over the Thanksgiving holiday, engage in valuable conversations about education at parent/teacher conferences and change over from fall extracurricular activities to winter. Oh yeah, did I mention the clock will also change (daylight savings) in November messing with bedtimes and the way we all interact with daylight?

There is a point to what I have shared above. That point is to ask you (parents/guardians) to be conscious of how your child/ren navigate/s and handle/s change. Not only is this a concern in the month of November but throughout the school year. What we as adults sometimes perceive as minor change, truly could have a major impact in the life of a child. When a child is truly concerned about change and navigating the waters associated with it, reading, writing and arithmetic tend to take a back burner in the line of priorities for a child. As the District continues to work towards consistency and optimal learning conditions, we ask you to continue to help us recognize and support your child’s needs.

Dates of Importance

  • Monday November 5th- Closed School Board Meeting (IA Code 21.5) (1)c. @ 5:30 in Granger
  • Tuesday November 6th -Election Day...Please VOTE!
  • Tuesday November 6th and Thursday November 8th -P/T Conferences dismiss each day at 2:15
  • Friday November 9th – NO SCHOOL!
  • Tuesday November 15th, 2018 “Nuts and Bolts Night” at the MS/HS (all parents welcome) TBD
  • Monday November 19th - Regular School Board Meeting @ 6 p.m. in Granger
  • Wed. November 21st-Friday November 23rd- NO School....Happy Thanksgiving

Finally, I would like to thank you all for a great start to the school year. Everyone is doing their part and working hard to make sure the students are engaged in a positive learning experience. Yes there are always hiccups along the way but overall it has been positive and your support and involvement has been greatly appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving from our school family to yours.

Go Hawks!

Brad Anderson

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Woodward-Granger CSD will build futures one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations.
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