Hawk Happenings - May 2020

May 1, 2020

As the 2019-20 school year draws to a close I think it is safe to say we never could have imagined a finish to a school year like what we have experienced. The last nine weeks certainly challenged us as we learned to navigate teaching and learning in a new way. It also strengthened our district as we recognized we couldn’t do it alone and worked collectively with one another to support students and their families. We couldn’t allow the school closure to be a distraction and we were determined to continue building futures for our students!

We decided to have fun with the final newsletter of the year and publish it on the last day of school. In this newsletter we’ve captured a number of stories and articles that showcase the tremendous spirit of the Woodward-Granger Schools. My vision for the school closure was to have all stakeholders stay connected and engaged in learning. We had to reimagine what school could look like once we were no longer allowed to be face-to-face. These articles represent the hard work and determination of our staff to be creative and innovative in their approach to learning. We knew we had to capture the attention of our students as distant learning became our new way of doing business. We know there are many other stories to be told and my hope is we all remember what was accomplished rather than what might have been. We will build upon these accomplishments as we transition into the next school year.

We’ve assembled a team to work on our Return to Learn Plan over the next several weeks. The plan will serve as a guide to our district as we prepare for the 2020-21 school year. We will be ready to serve our students and families at high levels whether we are back in our schools (on-site learning), continue learning remotely (distant learning), or a combination of distant learning and on-site learning. I’m confident the team we’ve assembled will design a plan that not only ensures the success of every student but creates an environment that is safe and healthy for all. Please watch for communication about this plan throughout the summer. Our goal is to present our progress at the June 15 board meeting. After feedback and guidance from the board we will refine the plan and begin communicating to families as necessary.

I want to thank the staff, parents and students for the grace they extended during the school closure. We knew it wouldn’t be perfect and we knew it certainly wasn’t ideal. I recognize the loss many have felt over the last several weeks. Although we couldn’t control the circumstances of the situation we worked hard to provide the best experience for our students and families within the parameters we were given. Thank you to everyone who helped make the best out of a difficult situation.

Please stay safe and healthy over the summer!

Dr. Matt Adams

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Woodward-Granger Mission Statement

Woodward-Granger CSD will build futures one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations.
©2025 Woodward-Granger Community School District