Hawk Happenings - March 2018

March 1, 2018

School Registration Moving to Mid July

Over the past few years the District has offered a spring online registration for any new and/or returning patron of the District. At its peak, spring online registration produced 38% of all registered school patrons taking advantage and registering early.

This year the District has decided to continue to offer an online option for existing patrons and has opted to move the official opening of the online registration window to July 16th. At this time, any existing patron of the District will be able to go online at wghawks.school and will be able to register and pay for their child/children for the 2018-2019 school year. This window will remain open until August 25th. After such time the online window closes, all existing patrons that have not registered will be asked to register via walk-in at the District’s Administrative Building in Granger.

All NEW members of the District (meaning currently do not have children in the school system at any level), will need to report to the District’s Administrative building in Granger from 8-4 M-Thursday and 8-3:30 on Friday.

Please be listening and watching Infinite Campus Messenger, the District’s website and/or the District’s Facebook page to learn more about the opening of online registration for the 2018-19 school year.

YOU are invited....SIAC

On Tuesday April 17th from 6-8 p.m. in the Elementary media center the Woodward-Granger CSD will host its Spring School Improvement Advisory meeting. All community members are invited and encouraged to attend. During the meeting the community will be informed of the results of the needs assessment, be informed of the District’s Curriculum plans for the future and will look at student achievement growth data for the 2017-18 school year.

We encourage you to come out and provide your input on the direction you would like to see our district go as this information will be directly shared with the WG Board of Education.

Thank you for your consideration and we hope to see you there!

Coming NEW for 2018-2019

As the next school year approached rapidly the District is already looking at new and improved facilities and programs.

First, this summer will see several physical changes taking place at the building level as the MS/HS will undergo a door and hardware security transformation. Using both the new Elementary and ELC as the District’s model, controlled door access and additional security cameras will be added to the MS/HS facility to aid in securing the various access points of the building. This 200K project will be funded with the remaining construction funds and State Sales tax dollars received from the 1-cent penny.

Also for 2018-19 the District will be taking over all custodial operations. For the past three years the District has outsourced the new Elementary custodial positions. This agreement has not been renewed and two new custodial positions have been retained.

Finally, thanks to the PTO the ELC playground will be taking on a new shape. This 3- phase project will begin this summer with the moving of equipment and the pouring of a news pad of concrete for kids to play on. From here new equipment and fencing will finish off the new and improved look.

Please stay tune as we will have much more to add to this list. If you have questions about any of these articles please contact Brad Anderson, Superintendent, WG CSD at bradanderson@wghawks.school or by calling 515-999-8022.

Brad Anderson

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Woodward-Granger Mission Statement

Woodward-Granger CSD will build futures one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations.
©2025 Woodward-Granger Community School District