Hawk Happenings - January 2018

January 1, 2018

District Fun Facts for 2017

Did you know...

  • Woodward-Granger CSD rates at the Commendable levels for Elementary, Middle School and High School levels on the State of Iowa Report Card.
  • Woodward-Granger CSD has 1 certified teacher per every 12 students served and has 1 adult employee per every 7 students in the District?
  • The District has spent just shy of $15 million dollars over the last four years to build new and upgrade existing facilities.
  • The District has increased its overall student enrollment by 110 students in 5 years.
  • The District provides 1:1 laptops for students 2nd-12th at the cost of $330,918.00 that is paid for using the state 1-cent, Local Option Sales Tax dollars.
  • The W-G CSD has lowered property taxes an average of $0.15 over the past 5 years.

The State Requirements of Making Up School

When do we have to make up school hours and when do we not? I frequently get asked the question about how and when do we as a school district need to make-up hours that are missed in a given school year and when do we not? Since our school has designated that we are on an hourly calendar, the answer is relatively simple in terms of what the law requires. This requirement states that accredited public schools must attend a minimum of 1,080 hours of instruction in a school year. So calendars that have more hours built into them have essentially built in the flexibility of additional hours to absorb in the event that hours are missed.

Since we have had a mild winter and have missed zero days due to inclement weather we are sitting is great shape as we have 14.75 hours already built into the District calendar. Once these hours have been exhausted then we will be making you the additional time to meet the 1080-hour requirement.

For more Information

For more information regarding the hours vs. days legislative recommendations please visit the following link or contact the WG CSD Central Office at (515)-999-8022: https://www.educateiowa.gov/sites/files/ed/documents/ 2014-04-01InstructionalHoursVsDaysGuidance.pdf

Brad Anderson

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Woodward-Granger Mission Statement

Woodward-Granger CSD will build futures one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations.
©2025 Woodward-Granger Community School District