Hawk Happenings - February 2019

February 1, 2019

Fundamental Changes in the Central Office

With the recent case of District embezzlement coming to a conclusion, processes and procedures in the Central Office have been both internally and externally put under a microscope with many fundamental changes being made to deter and prevent future temptations. Below is a list of some of these changes:

  1. A complete review of the currently small staffing core has been conducted and analyzed to see if the jobs in the office can physically be accomplished with the level of segregation of duties required.
  2. Job responsibilities have been reviewed and reassigned with additional crosschecking and authorizations to complete specific work tasks assigned (i.e. no one person has the power to complete multiple steps of the same task...further segregation of duties assigned)
  3. Since last school year, a single member of the school board has been invited into the office once a month to review bills, ask questions and review all reconciliations with the School Business Official prior to the regular school board meeting.
  4. Standard operating procedural manuals are in the process of being redesigned and crosschecked with our local auditors and then approved by the school board regarding all central office and district transactions.
  5. New auditors have been acquired by the district with the understanding that we want a thorough and comprehensive review of all areas of the District finances on an annual basis along with recommendations to continually improve current practice.

As we continue to engage with our auditors, software vendors and local resources to improve on processes and practices, we understand the magnitude and responsibility that is entrusted to us for being stewards of your taxpayer dollars. We will continue to be transparent with these endeavors while restoring the overall trust in the District.

If you have additional questions about this article and/or about the District in general please feel free to contact Brad Anderson, Superintendent at bradanderson @wghawks.school or by calling 515-999-8022.

You Are Invited!

Spring School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)

Twice a year (fall and spring) a group of students, parents, community members and staff come together to discuss and make recommendations to the W-G Board of Education regarding the following:

  1. Major educational needs
  2. Student learning goals
  3. Curriculum, assessment and instruction
  4. Long range and annual goals that include, but are not limited to, the state indicators that address reading, mathematics, and science achievement
  5. Bullying and harassment prevention goals, programs, training, and other initiatives
  6. Any other issues which relate to school improvement

This group is open to anyone/everyone in our communities. We are asking for your consideration in participating in this very important group. The format for the meetings is a two-hour forum where topics are brought up and discussed related to the six areas above, as a group. Recommendations/considerations for the board will be formulated prior to leaving the meeting and as always, we will provide water and snacks for your convenience.

The next regularly scheduled SIAC meeting will be on Tuesday April 16th from 6-8 p.m. in the MS/HS Media Center in Woodward. Thank you for your consideration.

Brad Anderson

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Woodward-Granger CSD will build futures one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations.
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