Hawk Happenings - April 2020

April 1, 2020

Every spring I think about the old proverb, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”. I think it is safe to say March went out like a lion this year. Not because of the weather, but due to the impact COVID-19 has had on the lives of everyone in our school community. I think this health crisis has provided plenty of challenges as we all attempt to find our new normal. I’ve also seen our community rally around one another and provide support and assistance that has reinforced my strong belief we are better together. The whole is definitely greater than the sum of the parts.

First, I would like to thank all of our citizens that work in the healthcare industry. I admire and respect your service to others. Each day you continue to risk our own health to treat others in their time of need. In addition, this service
impacts your own family dynamics as you isolate yourselves from family members to prevent potential spread to your loved ones. I know this puts additional stress on you and your children. During this time of uncertainty, please remember our guidance counselors are here to support your children if you need. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them.

We have other parents in our school community that continue to serve us during this challenging time. Our city workers continue to keep our communities thriving and operating on a daily basis. We have parents that serve in industries that provide essential resources to families across the metro area. Again, you risk your own health and well-being to service others. It doesn’t go unnoticed.

Even before COVID-19 my vision for Woodward-Granger was to create a learning community where everyone was actively engaged and connected. I was not going to allow this health crisis to distract us from this vision. Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve witnessed so much evidence of our commitment to this vision from our teachers and community. I think it is safe to say our teachers have responded, “Challenge accepted”. I know teachers are reflecting each day to consider ways to improve participation and engagement. We’ll get better at this each week! Please continue to watch for information from our district webpage and Facebook page as well as from buildings and individual teachers. We are committed to connecting and engaging with you throughout this closure.

On a daily basis, we continue to monitor information shared by the Governor’s Office, IDPH and the Department of Education. I will provide updates to the community when warranted. As I write this article we are still planning to resume school on Monday, April 13th. Teachers and principals will continue to engage and connect with you over the next couple weeks through virtual means. Do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or building principal if you have any questions or needs. We are here to serve. Remember, we’re in this together!

Dr. Matt Adams

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Woodward-Granger CSD will build futures one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations.
©2025 Woodward-Granger Community School District