Hawk Happenings - April 2019

April 1, 2019

After 13 years of writing in one capacity or another for this newsletter it is with great appreciation that I write this final article.

Over the past decade plus we have climbed many mountains and have fallen off a few cliffs but at the end of the day I am very proud of all the positive things that I have been fortunate enough to be a part of in this District. Here are just a few of the highlights that come to mind as I reflect back.

  • Average of 97% graduation rate and a year with 100%
  • Open enrollment has changed from a 2 to 1 out vs. in to a positive net gain for the first time
  • District tax rate has either remained steady or lowered over the past 7 years
  • Re-established Professional Learning Communities (PLC), many technology upgrades and established a District social media presence
  • FFA programming created and expanded to collaborate with DMACC for Regional Academy including a highly involved Friends of FFA Group
  • Increased staffing in several areas including counseling, teaching core areas and teacher leadership and compensation positions (coaches, model teachers etc)
  • Started a 3 and 4 year old after school program along with a before and after school opportunities.
  • Saved and restructured a Grandwood program that was on verge of losing a substantial portion of state funding and potentially shutting its doors
  • Mended and built on the relationship with Woodward-Academy to provide consortium opportunities for juvenile youth
  • Passed an overwhelmingly positive bond issue and built a 10 million dollar 2nd-5th grade elementary
  • Purchased and leased several new buses and maintained transportation fleet
  • Updated all buildings with AC/HVAC and Security entrances/doors and cameras
  • Established an administrative office building in Granger
  • Helped to re-establish and serve on the WG Foundation Board
  • Created lifelong community/family relationships

Finally, I would be absolutely remiss if I did not recognize and “Thank” all of the staff that I have had the privilege to work with over the years. For these individuals “Thank You” doesn’t even seem to scratch the surface of the respect and admiration that I have for all of you. I wish you all the best in your personal and professional endeavors.

So as a final goodbye, I wish all of you well and again wanted to express my true gratitude for the time that you have afforded my family and me. Take care and Godspeed.

Brad Anderson

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Woodward-Granger CSD will build futures one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations.
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