How District Funds Are Allocated to Teaching and Learning
A school Superintendent has various roles and responsibilities to fulfill. One of the most essential functions of the Superintendency includes the oversight of the teaching and learning components in the various schools. There are many components of teaching and learning, which impact schools. The most influential of these pieces is school funding. Every student in the state of Iowa comes with a dollar amount attached to him or her (i.e. combination of state funds and local tax dollars). This dollar amount for Woodward- Granger students happens to be $6,591 for the 2017-18 school year. The chart below displays how a single student’s local and state allocation is spent annually.

With approx. 950+ students (and growing) it is clear to see how student funding plays a vital role in the overall educational spending process. In particular lack of funding inhibits the ability of the district to funnel the appropriate dollars towards the areas of curriculum/software and technology. These areas are vital to assisting teachers in providing a world-class education.
If you have any additional questions regarding school funding, the district’s financials or a question about Woodward-Granger in general please call or e-mail me at your convenience at or at 515-999-8022 Ext. 101.
Please Consider Attending SIAC (School Improvement Advisory Committee)
On Tues. April 18th from 6-8 p.m. in the Elementary Media Center the district will host the second of two annual School Improvement Advisory Meetings (SIAC). These meetings are open to the general public and are required by law. SIAC groups are required to annually discuss the following items:
- Major educational needs.
- Student learning goals.
- Long-range and annual improvement goals that include, but are not limited to, the state indicators that address reading, mathematics, and science achievement.
- Desired levels of student performance.
- Progress toward meeting the goals set out in paragraphs “2” through “4”.
- Harassment or bullying prevention goals, programs, training, and other initiatives.
- Consider recommendations to infuse character education into the educational program.
Please consider attending the SIAC meeting as we will discuss many of the above items and a few more. We hope to see you there!
District Does Well On 1st Department of Education Desk Audit
This fall the Department of Education launched a new program designed to hold district’s accountable for various parts of the Iowa Code. The program was coined as the Desk Audit and consisted of a serious of uploads to the DE site demonstrating not only the existence of such documents but also how information was communicated with the general public. Woodward-Granger received feedback from the Department that we met all compliances and did not need to create an extensive plan of action to fix non-compliance issues. Yahoo for WG!
Brad Anderson