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Grades Kindergarten to Post-Secondary
1501 Mulberry · Granger
(515) 999-2231

Welcome to Grandwood Education Center!

Grandwood is a special education school serving students with mental and behavioral disabilities operated by the Woodward-Granger School District. Grandwood provides educational services to the students who reside on Woodward Resource Center campus, which is a residential treatment facility that serves developmentally disabled teenagers and adults.

Grandwood also serves students from surrounding districts that are unable to provide the necessary supports. We serve students ranging from elementary to post-secondary who have significant, developmental delays in one or more of the following areas: Cognitive, Emotional, and/or Behavioral.

Our staffing and programming allow us to offer opportunities to our students that may not be duplicated in a general education setting.

General Information

  • Average class ratio of 1 teacher to 4-6 students.
  • Classrooms organized by functional level and age
  • Up to 14 certified teachers on staff
  • Over 60 classroom associates

Major Programming Areas

  • Functional Academics and Living Skills
  • Community and Leisure Experiences
  • Pre-Vocational and Vocational
  • Social Skills through
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

News & Announcements

Staff Directory

Hannah Carlson
Hannah Carlson
Jadyn Crnkovich
Jadyn Crnkovich
Grandwood Education Center Principal
(515) 999-2231
Kristi Dunlavey
Kristi Dunlavey
(515) 999-2231
Mindi Hanson
Mindi Hanson
Grandwood Administrative Assistant
(515) 999-2231
Monica Jansen
Monica Jansen
Special Education Teacher
(515) 999-2231
Megan Kennedy
Megan Kennedy
Special Education Teacher
(515) 999-2231
Nathan Kramer
Nathan Kramer
Special Education Teacher
(515) 999-2231
Kelle Miller
Kelle Miller
Special Education Teacher
Celeste Minick-Gude
Celeste Minick-Gude
Special Education Teacher
(515) 999-2231
Eric Pagel
Eric Pagel
Special Education Teacher
(515) 999-2231
Wesley Rozenboom
Wesley Rozenboom
Guidance Counselor
(515) 999-2231
Keri Woodard
Keri Woodard
Special Education Teacher
(515) 999-2231

School Times

School Hours:

8:35 am to 3:20 pm | Monday to Friday*
* Early dismissal every Wednesday at 2:15 pm

Map & Directions

1501 Mulberry
Granger, 50109
Phone: (515) 999-2231

Woodward-Granger Mission Statement

Our fundamental purpose is to create a rigorous, collaborative and inclusive teaching and learning environment for all students with a focus on "one student at a time through a supportive culture of high expectations."
©2025 Woodward-Granger Community School District